Sometimes, it’s the people who already have nothing, nothing more to lose
Sometimes, it’s the people who already have nothing who keep on paying dues
Just when they think it can’t get any worse; here comes more bad news
Heartache people with shattered lives, seeking the light of day
Poor lost souls with their heads in their hands fall on their knees and pray
Cursing their devils and blaming their gods for taking it all away

Dancing With My Shadow |
While this old wheel keeps spinning around, first, it’s right side up,
Then, it’s upside down, and sometimes it’s inside out and things go wrong
I’m beginning to feel like I’ve been on this old wheel too long
So many questions without any answers; I’m wondering what is real
Desperate for answers with only more questions sure ain’t helping how I feel
I just hope I learn something while I’m passing through, riding on this old
(Repeat Chorus)
This old wheel, this old wheel, this old wheel, this old wheel
I’m beginning to feel like I’ve been on this old wheel too long
Yeah, I’m beginning to feel like I’ve been on this old wheel too long
Too long